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Chiropractic Care

chiropractor adjusting patients footYour brain is the primary controller of the body, and your nervous system carries impulses from the brain to every organ, tissue and cell of the body, and from the body back up to the brain to let the brain know what’s going on. When something happens to disrupt this two-way flow of communication, symptoms such as pain and dysfunction arise.

At St. James Chiropractic and Wellness Centre, our chiropractors are highly trained primary healthcare team. Our focus is on the correction of neuromusculoskeletal issues to remove the interference in the nervous system.

Your chiropractor will talk with you about your healthcare concerns, then conduct a thorough examination. This exam may include X-rays for adults. They’ll give you a brief report of their findings, and, depending on your situation, you may receive chiropractic care at your first visit.


Our Approach to Care

Because our practitioners have extensive experience and education, we can offer a wider variety of techniques that are tailored to each patient’s specific needs and preferences. Our founder, Steve Williams, DC, DICS, FICS, FRCC (paed), FBCA focuses on paediatrics and has taught at dozens of chiropractic colleges around the world.

Our primary adjusting & manipulation techniques include:

  • Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT)
  • Craniopathy (chiropractic cranial work)
  • Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique (CMRT)
  • Diversified
  • Total Body Modification (TBM)
In addition to chiropractic, we provide a multidisciplinary model of healthcare to help our patients achieve their overall health goals.

The services we offer are:

chiropractor adjusting patients back

Who We Help

Because chiropractic care focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system, most people seek our care for issues related to the nerves, muscles and joints. Common reasons for receiving chiropractic care are back pain and neck pain. However, your entire system can function at a higher level when your nervous system is free of interference.

At our practice, we focus on paediatric care. Babies who cry all the time or are not hitting their developmental milestones may have underlying neuromusculoskeletal issues contributing to their symptoms.


How long are the treatments?
Your initial consultation will normally last for 30 to 45 minutes and follow up treatments are approximately 15 minutes. Treatment times can vary depending on the needs of the patient.

Will treatment hurt?

Chiropractic treatment should not be painful when carried out by a qualified practitioner. Every patient responds differently to treatment and our chiropractors tailor treatment plans to the needs of individual patients.

How often will I need to visit?

Your chiropractor will advise you of this during your first visit as it varies for each patient.
Will I need an x-ray?
X-rays will only be taken when it is clinically indicated and where further investigation of your condition is warranted. This will be discussed with you by your chiropractor.

Will I receive treatment on my first visit?

The chiropractor will carry out a full assessment on your first visit and medical history. Each patient is different but treatment can take place on the first visit, if appropriate.
Do I need a GP referral?
You do not need a GP referral to book an appointment with us.

Will my private health insurance cover my treatment costs?

Our chiropractors are registered with most health insurance companies. Please check with your insurance company to see if your policy covers chiropractic care.

Book Today

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


Chiropractic Care | 02380 788111